Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Know About Drugs in Your
Recognizing the important drug for parents who want to protect their children. Therefore, Yayasan Cinta Anak Bangsa gives the following description as a guide:
Inhalen, ie gases that can be inhaled to get a feeling like flying, which may last for 1 hour, including the glue, aerosols, gases, and cleaning fluids.
Effects: feeling drunk as floating
Short-term risks: an accident and died because of choking or cardiac arrest.
Long-term risks: exceptional tiredness, mental and physical state of decline, and possible organ damage.
Ganja (Marijuana), usually in the form of cigarettes smoked.
Effect: the feeling relaxed, talkative, and more sensitive to sound and color.
Short-term risk: the user difficult to concentrate and difficult to react quickly.
Long-term risk: arises lung damage, concentration and learning ability decreased, and energy and reduced coordination.
Ecstasy, shaped like a capsule or pill in various forms.
Effect: in small doses can produce mild hallucinations.
Short-term risks: increased body heat, blood pressure, and heart rate; dehydration; and body coordination disorder.
Long-term risk: arises paranoid, quick to panic, confusion, and liver damage.
Amphetamines (Sabu), use of injected or smoked.
Effect: strengthen the body. users feel active and fresh for several hours.
Short-term risk: causes of fatigue.
Long-term risks: loss of appetite, anxiety, and paranoia.
Heroin (mix). Form of powder, use eaten, injected or inhaled.
Effect: small doses, can cause rilek was in large doses can make sleep and eliminate pain.
Short-term risks: inhibiting concentration and slow to react.
Long-term risks: damage to blood vessels and skin due to repeated injections, the risk of HIV / AIDS, hepatitis, and other diseases. Dependence is imminent. Death due to overdose may occur.
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